Wednesday 14 October 2009

Tiring like a dead fish........

It's long long ago from my last post...
I am not really in mood to typing for last few months, everytime when i try to type
something but always end up with blank!!!

I do feel depress, happy, sad, last few weeks.
And i started miss Sibu's moment... how terrible can you image? Just a month....
OMG!!! NO Way, i gonna stop myself from missing those moment this make me suffer!
Finally, i start my class as well... What i can say, it's boring like hell
Dad was right, this is really my last last chance!!!
I am trying to upgrade myself...really!!! i mean like knowledge? or life?
Anyways... i hope its gonna work!!!

Well.....Today i am really tired and happy tot, cause was cooking 5 dishes alone only by myself!!! Where is P??? actually, she is busy to tidy up the living room, so i force to manage everything by myself! Cool, as last, i have ready with 5 dishes. Hopefully everyone enjoy the foods, chitchating and the stupid games!
Feel like gathering getting boring without bunch of monkeys for examples, Eiyen, Eijing, Ahlung!!! lolsss... U know why? Cause they always get involved in and then end up with dry laugh! hahaha.......It's FUNNY MAN
As long as its funny for me...lalala

Really need to pass my exam! my exam! sigh.....
i feel hopeless with it but i can do nothing beside facing it
i hope can draw nearer to God, and i wanna try to change myself
i really don't care whether i can change u into other mind or not! But as least, i am
trying to change myself!!!
What i can do is js bless and pray for u!
Hope u fine thr............

